The beginning
Eduard van Brunschot (better known as Eddy) is a Dutch textile engineer, horseman, and the founder of the Perol Chico Ranch in Peru.
Eddy started his professional career in the Netherlands, designing and producing fashion apparel for private labels and European retail chains. When fast fashion started to boom, he switched careers to follow his heart and childhood dreams. Since 1996, he has been offering and guiding innumerable horseback riding expeditions in the Peruvian Andes and across the coastal desert of Arequipa. His exceptional rides have been published in horse magazines, guidebooks, and the brochures of prestigious equestrian travel agencies worldwide. National Geographic listed his rides high in the Peruvian Andes in the “Top 10 Horseback Rides in the World”.​
Our Company
​Since the beginning, our company has followed a sustainable and conscious way of managing our horse-riding business based on humanist beliefs and values.
Tourism in Peru is vital for our economy and expanding human flourishing and dignity in our communities. A significant portion of our revenues is spent, directly or indirectly, in our local economy. From this perspective, booking a riding holiday with us contributes to human development and welfare in our country, both locally and beyond the perimeter of our community.​​
The Ranch
Almost all constructions at the Perol Chico Ranch are made of adobes (sun-dried mud-earthen bricks). Constructions made of earth provide a sense of harmony, simplicity and indivisibility between buildings and the natural landscape. Adobe bricks are a fireproof, durable yet biodegradable, non-toxic building material. The texture and appearance of mud brick walls covered with mud plaster in beautiful natural colours blend in with the impressive mountains surrounding the ranch.
Earth constructions have always been, and still are, the best expressions of man’s symbiotic relationship with his natural environment.
October 2020
“Queremos hacerle llegar nuestra felicitación y reconocimiento por la labor que viene haciendo desde hace 24 años por nuestra Raza Caballar, El Caballo Peruano de Paso.”
“We want to send you our congratulations and appreciation for the work you have been doing for 24 years for our Horse Breed, The Peruvian Paso Horse.”​
National Association of Breeders and Owners of Peruvian Paso Horses